- September 2011
4: Days 5-6
Gabbro Lake to North Kawishiwi River
5 – Sunday, September 11 – Up the Kawishiwi River
leave the Gabbro Lake site fairly early, but the wind is already up.
an island in the SW part of the lake, I hope to get
some shelter by passing it downwind, only to find the passage
blocked. It's a tough carryover.

channel from Gabbro Lake to Little Gabbro Lake is a nice little mini-rapids
that would
be submerged in normal water. Again, I'm able to line through.


are several campsites in the S-turn that comes after the 30-rod portage.
Other campers' assessments of these sites
indicate all of them are good ones. My chief criterion of a good
campsite is whether it has a level tent pad; all else is secondary.
Although they have nice views and kitchen areas, none of them meets
this standard. One of them, site
14 (C1128), was given a 5-star rating by someone whose campsite evaluations
are occasionally published in the Boundary Waters Journal. I'd give
it 2 stars, only because of its grassy tent area,
large enough for three or four tents, which is the site's best feature.
There is a big pine tree that provides the only shade, as well as hundreds
of little sap droplets that are - to make a gross understatement -
a damn nuisance.
carry two portages of 121 and 30 rods, then line and pole past the
two 15-rod portages. Those are fun. You can't cheat the portage
gods, but I come close today. At the end of the 121-rod portage
out of Little Gabbro I meet two young couples who had entered at Farm
Lake. They tell me the Clear Lake end of the 175-rod portage is
hip- and waist-deep mud for the last 30 yards or so. I'm glad I decided
earlier not to go that way.
one of the two 15-rod portage bypasses:

is a tough day on two counts. One has to do with paddling for
seven hours to cover 11 miles, mostly into the NW wind, which blows
up to 20 mph. But this is nothing compared to the fire raging
to the SE. Later this week I learn that today's wind causes
the fire to spread 16 miles. Considering all the critters in
its path, I can't help feeling very humble and grateful to be
target is one of the sites near the confluence of the North and South
Kawishiwi Rivers, but all six sites in the area are occupied by
people who entered at Lake One but could not go into the Numbered Lakes
due to their closure from the fire. I
head west, hoping one of the two sites before the 210-rod portage
on the North Kawishiwi River is open. While paddling I think
about how to ask for tent space if they're occupied – or
worse, where I might set up a spike camp. I find the second-last
site open – site 9 (C1143) - coincidentally, the same site
Steve and I stayed at on my birthday last year. On that trip we judged
the site on Conchu Lake as unusable, so I feel very
lucky to be here, although I learn later that
the fellows at the last site would have gladly shared their space
with me. I'm prepared to offer space to anyone needing it but no
one comes by.

smoke, viewed from this campsite:

find this island particularly photogenic, more so with smoke and the

Dinner is Hawk Vittles Linguini with Mushroom
Sauce – 1,000
calories and every one of them needed – and a sip of Chambord
for dessert.
The full moon shines into my tent, just like
the last four nights. It's
a nice way to end the day.

5 summary:
Total distance 10.9 miles in 6:45
2 portages of 151 rods in 1:15
6 – Monday, September 12 – Kawishiwi River Layover
next morning reveals the continuing fire:
storm front is moving through, with rain likely this afternoon. It’s
windy – 10-20+
mph from the SW, then NW. Somehow I manage to focus on some
important tasks this morning:
Set up the tarp
Eat breakfast
Take down the tarp and reset it
Eat some of my lunch
Tweak the tarp
Fix the paddle I broke on Bald Eagle Lake with super glue
and duct tape
Take a few pictures
Tweak the tarp (an ongoing task)
doesn't rain, but ... what the hail? It also blows, and the addition
on the side makes for a cozy little shelter.

have a nice view of the storm passing by to the south and
how it combines with the smoke in the background.

the storm passes over I check out the photo ops. This
little guy was quite a cooperative model.

Looks like my dog begging for treats.

It continues to blow all afternoon
and evening. Some time after dark, around 8:30, I'm in the tent
and I hear a tree break nearby. That gets my attention so I
get out and look around, but it's dark and my headlamp reveals
nothing. It
takes a while to settle down after that. Later I look out of the tent
and notice a swath of deep red along the horizon to the SSE,
farther west than the fire supposedly reached. There's
also some ash and a smoke smell in the air, despite the wind having
been W-NW. I still don't know how extensive the fire is, but it's clearly
a big deal.
To Kawishiwi Lodge and Ely
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