- September 2013
3: Days 5-7
Back to the Beginning
Days 5-6 – Monday-Tuesday, Sept. 16-17 – Water
Doesn't Belong There
The day starts out foggy, as usual.

I load and launch the boat -without getting a drop of
water in it - and head north into Lac La Croix under a
perfectly clear blue sky.

After a few minutes I look down and, as though in a slow-motion,
stream-of-consciousness movie, say to myself, "water doesn't belong
there." After taking about two seconds to consider my options, I
decide I don't trust the boat and turn around to go back. I don't relish
the idea of having something serious happen when I'm in a remote area
three days from any road. I also don't relish having to walk back to
my car, which is at the Little Indian Sioux entry point, but I figure
I can handle seven miles on gravel roads.
An interesting array of algae at a portage landing:

It's quite a nice paddle down the length of Lake Agnes,
and I'm lucky to find an open campsite at the south end of the lake,
no. 49 (C1816). The usual furry visitor is there, and I'm careful to
keep my food containers closed.

Tomorrow's forecast is for south winds at 10-20 mph and
I decide to lay over and wait for Wednesday, which is predicted to
have south winds at 5-10. This
campsite has a good landing and a couple of good tent pads, but it
rates only about a C+. The tent area is ringed with trees, which restricts
the view, and the tarping options are pretty limited. Despite shortening
the trip and being stuck on a mediocre site, I feel only mildly disappointed
rather than upset, disgusted, or any other strong emotion. It is what
it is, and anyway, hanging out in the Boundary Waters with mostly nice
weather sure beats a lot of other ways to spend seven days.

It's a perfectly calm and clear night with the full moon
shining directly into the tent. Solitude is good but there are times
when I wouldn't mind company. The forecast is 33-38 degrees but it's
45 in the tent. I sleep well and warm with the 25-degree bag
as a blanket.
Day 5 summary:
Total distance 8 miles in 3:15
2 portages of 90 rods in 1:00
Tuesday morning is almost calm and I think briefly about
hightailing it out of here. It doesn't take long for the wind to come
up, and by 10:00 it's blowing a good 15 mph. By noon the whitecaps
are breaking into long streaks of foam. This might be fun as a tailwind,
but the prospect of paddling into it isn't very appealing.
The forecast for tomorrow is now south winds at 10-15
mph - not so much fun. I plan to leave at the crack of dawn
and consider how to save time packing up. I know: pack up the tent
and set up a tarp shelter. I've been wanting to try this for some time
now, and since there's no rain in the forecast, this seems as good
a time as any. After all the tweaking is done - some two hours later
- I have a windproof and mostly waterproof shelter. For this I save
about 20 minutes. That seems reasonable.
This nylon wedge cuts the wind nicely, and it's fairly
roomy. The front door, which is six feet high, closes so well that
I have to open it a bit for ventilation.
Day 7 – Wednesday, Sept. 18 – A Nice Little
River Trip
I'm up at 5:30 and leave at 7:30. Even with the tarp
tent taking only 10 minutes to put away, it still takes two hours to
pack up. What takes so long is making decisions about what goes where
for when it will be needed later. Any departure from routine just takes
It's overcast today with neither fog nor the drizzle
that was predicted. There isn't much wind, either, only about 10 mph.
That makes for a nice little river trip.
At the beginning of the 95-rod portage on the Nina-Moose
River there's another opportunity to explain Why
We Portage. To complete the video, here's the landing:

Leaving Nina-Moose Lake I enter the Moose River.

From this point on it's narrow and twisty. Despite the boat's
continuing leakage, I enjoy its responsiveness and maneuverability,
even going upstream. I'd heard that the NorthStar was a good solo tripping
boat, and now I appreciate its qualities even more.

Even the portages are enjoyable, but I don't pass up
an opportunity to paddle through. It's hard to imagine the 10-rod
portage around this section being needed in anything but the lowest
water levels.

Somewhere in this narrow section I come upon a group
of otters playing. One rises up in the water to get a better look at
me. A few chuff/bark at me, I chuff back, and they return the call.
They're amazing animals. John Tanner found that a man cannot kill an
otter with his bare hands.
After the final slog up the 160-rod portage to the staging
area, I put the boat and packs aside and change into my hiking shoes.
It feels strange to know the trip is over, but so it is.

About halfway to the car I get a ride from a long-haired,
middle-aged, overweight angel with a canoe on top of his battered pickup
truck. I'm only too happy to thank him with a good-size package of
beef jerky. I'm back in Ely in time to get a room at Voyageur North
and my usual chicken burrito dinner at Rockwood. My back still hurts
and I look forward to giving it some TLC in the next few weeks.
Day 7 summary:
Total distance 8 miles in 5:00
6 portages of 365 rods in 2:15
PS: It turned out that the boat was leaking from a single
small hole just below the waterline in the stern. Yes, I had
plenty of tape.
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