- June 2014
3: Days 4-7
Lake Insula to Ima Lake
Day 4 – Friday, June 13 – Perfectionism,
part 1
It's a good day for traveling: around 70 degrees
with a W-NW wind at 10-15 mph. The narrows of Lake Kiana are as photogenic
as I remember.

Here's a little better shot of the NorthStar.
The forecast is for a weekend of thunderstorms
so today's agenda is to find a campsite suitable for three nights.
We stop at a site in the SW corner of Thomas Lake that looks good to
me, but Jen wants to check out a few other sites. I agree, and we set
out on a tour of the lake that finally lands us at site 10 (C1188)
in the NE corner. It's a good site for two tents and a shared tarp,
so the perfectionist in me is satisfied, yet somehow my tent ends
up on a somewhat lumpy and sloped pad. It's a good lesson.
Dinner is Mountain House Pasta Primavera. The rain starts
late at night.
Day 4 summary:
Total distance 8.9 miles in 5:10
2 portages of 196 rods
Day 5-6 – Saturday, June 14-15 – Stormy
Weather, Part 2
Saturday we wake up to rain. Thankfully there has been
no tarp malfunction during the night. It drizzles much of the morning,
with the afternoon mostly dry and breezy. Oops ... I forgot to pack
three breakfasts. It's a good thing I bought extra granola. Jen doesn't
mind, something for which I'm grateful. So we have the second installment
of scrambled eggs.
There's a lot of tarp-tweaking during the day as we try
to keep it from flapping. My tent helps by directing the airflow upward.
The video is more realistic than the photo.

Dinner is burrito stew: Mexican rice with black
beans, salsa and tortillas. It rains and blows most of the night.
Sunday's breakfast is granola with hot milk, which hits
the spot on a cool and rainy morning. The rest of the day is chilly,
blustery, and off-and-on rainy. Jen makes a nice bannock
with onion and bacon bits for lunch (with the usual jerky and trail
mix). We're getting along well, but I suspect we both benefit from
holing up in our separate tents for a while in the afternoon. I even
get a rare nap, emerging abut 4:00 to ... sunshine! It's still windy
(20-30 mph) but clearing. The wind finally settles at about 7:30.
Dinner is Hawk Vittles' Moroccan Stew (another "yum").
More wind and a thunderstorm hit about 10:30 but it lasts less than
an hour.
Day 7 – Monday, June 16 – Stormy Weather,
Part 3
Today's forecast is for W-SW winds at 10-15 mph. Partly
because the land often creates wind tunnels, it usually blows a bit
harder than the forecast. We shall see ....
We leave Thomas Lake and right away I'm looking for wind
shadows, so I take the long way to the portage to Hatchet Creek. The
water is high and we're able to bypass two portages. The first non-portage
is a delightful little rapids about 100 yards long. I enter it cautiously,
unable to see very far and focusing on whether I'll be able to go back
upstream if it gets too rocky. Before I know it, I'm navigating a flooded
rock garden that I'd rate a high Class I or a low Class II. Jen doesn't
have whitewater experience but he's a good paddler and has no trouble
with the draws and crossdraws needed to negotiate this little river.
I bump in one or two places but he makes it through with no contact.

Shortly after this rapids is an opening that
we easily slip through.

Did I say the water was high? Here's what this channel
looked like in Sept. 2009 from the other direction.

The portage landing at Ima Lake
has room for two boats. It's crowded and we have to wait our turn.

Once we had gotten off Thomas and into a riverine
environment the wind was no longer an issue; actually, I'd forgotten
about it. But now, after descending the rocky trail to the lake I look
out over the water and my heart sinks - or rises to my throat, whichever
metaphor you prefer. Ima Lake is boiling: it's half water and half
foam, and the wind is a steady 25-30 mph with gusts to at least 35.
The waves don't look intimidating, but we're on shore and can't assess
that very well. Of course, the wind is from the west, which is where
we're headed.
Thankfully, the portage landing is sheltered and the
water is calm enough to launch easily, but it takes only a few paddle
strokes to get us out into the maelstrom. The waves are 9 inches to
a foot high, with the larger ones a few inches higher. For a tandem
boat that wouldn't be much of an issue, but each of our boats has only
one motor. We paddle north in the troughs - actually rolling up from
crest to trough and back up again, which gives the phrase "rock
and roll" new meaning. The Peregrine, being quite narrow, is more
sensitive to the rolling action than the NorthStar, and after taking
on a little water I pay more attention to
keeping it level. I try to turn up into the wind, but to no avail;
the waves keep pushing the bow back down again.
There are three campsites on the east shore. As we approach
the first one from about 200 yards out, Jen mentions that the
next one is marked as a good site on my map, so we keep paddling. Always
the perfectionists! Meanwhile I wonder if we're giving up too soon,
so I try again to turn up into the wind. This time is successful, but
the boat takes on some more water and I realize quickly that it's a
futile enterprise. So I turn around - a tricky maneuver in these conditions
- and we fetch up on site 2 (C1190). It's a bumpy
landing but we're glad to be where the floor isn't tilting under us.
Again, the
video is
more realistic.

This campsite is OK, but overall it's lumpy and well-used.
It has a nice rock table and a row of flat-topped rocks just in from
shore that make a nice sitting spot. There are also enough trees for
setting the tarp. We tie the NorthStar to a couple of trees as a windbreak
for cooking as well as for the tarp.

We're so pleased to be here we celebrate with a group

It's a good setup,
though we don't really need the tarp, since it blows all afternoon
but doesn't rain. The boat
makes an even better base for the tarp than the tent did earlier. A
down side of the tarp is that mosquitoes also like a windbreak; they swarm
us as soon as we put it up.

Dinner is Hawk Vittles' Linquini with Mushroom Sauce,
Cache Lake fry bread (Italian style) and chocolate pudding. (Have I
mentioned yet that we ate well?)
By 7:30 it's dead calm ...

... and by 9:00 we get a jaw-dropping

Many thanks to Jen for this awesome shot!
Day 7 summary:
Total distance 3.5 miles in 2:30
2 portages of 60 rods
Tomorrow: On to Ensign Lake
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